Tuesday 9 April 2013

Where do I Place Meta Tags in a Regular Blogger New Template

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Where do I Place Meta Tags in a Regular Blogger New Template
Add meta tag content to a Blogger blog before the Blogger Template Style coding in the HTML site editor. Meta tag content increases search engine optimization and website traffic. It is composed of the blog description, search term keywords and the blog author. After the meta tag content has been created, it is then copied and pasted into the Blogger template.

About Meta Tags
Meta tags are part of search engine optimization, or SEO, and provide more content to help search engines locate the website. Meta tags use keywords, which are common search terms, to maximize website traffic to the Blogger blog and other websites. Meta tags follow a specific format and are part of the HTML coding in the <head> section of a website. Blogger has a simple way to access the HTML file containing the blog coding so that meta tags can be added.

Meta Tag Content
Use Notepad or another text editor to first write the meta tag coding content. Then the tags can be copied from Notepad and pasted into the Blogger blog's HTML template. The three <meta content="x"> tags needed are description, keywords and author.
  • For the <meta content='X' name='description'/> coding, replace the "X" with the blog description.
  • For the <meta content='X' name='keywords'/> coding, replace the "X" with keywords.
  • For the <meta content='X' name='author'/> coding, replace the "X" with the name of the blog author.
You may also like to read "How to Add Meta Tags to a Website/Blog"

The Blogger Template
Open the Blogger blog template's HTML site editor to add the meta tags.
  1. Open a Web browser and go to the Blogger website.

  2. Type in the username and password and click the gray "Sign In" button to access the blog Dashboard.

  3. Click the "Template" link and then click "Edit HTML" to go to the Edit Template page.

  4. Back up the template before making any coding changes.
Insert Meta Tags
To insert the meta tag content:
  1. Locate the following coding in the blog HTML template:

  2. <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>.

  3. It is located at the top of the coding before the Blogger Template Style section.

  4. Press "Enter" after the coding to create three blank spaces. Highlight the meta tag coding in the Notepad file and "Copy."

  5. Position the mouse cursor in the blank spaces and right-click. Select "Paste" from the drop-down menu to paste the meta tag coding.

  6. Click "Save Template" button to save the Blogger template.


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